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Products > High Performing Team Profile [HPT]
High Performing Team Profile [HPT]

The HPT is a multirater assessment of a team. Views sought internally (from within the team itself) and externally (from individuals who interact within the team), the team leader's views are highlighted also.

The profile reports back quantative and qualitative results that culminate in a thorough overview of the team successes and areas for improvement.

A Model for Effective Teamwork

Emphasis is on a team’s ‘potential’. There is nothing inherently magical about a team that automatically leads to high performance. However, research and conventional wisdom have pointed to certain characteristics and behaviours which can unlock that team potential.

The HPT by factor:
  • Led - The team is appropriately and effectively led.
  • Aligned - The team is aligned internally and with other key stakeholder groups in the pursuit of clear goals and values.
  • Effective - The team is effective at decision making, problem solving and recognising opportunities.
  • Adaptive - Team members are quick learners and change-responsive.
  • Harmonious - The team is open, co-operative, supportive and trusting.

Roadmap (Click on image to enlarge)

Why Choose the HPT (Click on image to download)

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Further Information

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